News Release: TAS Trader Unveils New Blog to Keep Readers Better Informed

Telephone Answering Service Blog to Serve As Focal Point
for Industry News and Information

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Mattawan, Michigan – TAS Trader, an e-publication serving as the voice of the telephone answering service industry, announced that its blog has a new look and location. The new address is

Supported by powerful WordPress software, the leading blogging platform, the new TAS Trader blog is greatly improved:

  • A new format makes reading easier.
  • Readers can post comments with one-click simplicity.
  • Subscribers will enjoy a more consistent delivery of posts.

A complete archive of past posts exists on the new site. Plus, new features are in the works for the future.

Posts, including news, event information, and now, guest posts, are added throughout the month as needed. Additionally, the availability of each issue of TAS Trader first appears on the blog. Then announcements follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, in addition to distribution via email to over 2,500 subscribers.

TAS Trader seeks guest posts from people in the TAS industry to share ideas, trends, and commentary. See the submission guidelines on the blog for more information.

Subscribe to the TAS Trader blog for the latest telephone answering service industry news and information.

For more information, go to

[Posted by Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD for TAS Trader.]