Submit Articles to TAS Trader
TAS Trader welcomes articles of interest to readers in the telephone answering service (TAS) industry. This information is provided so that you can submit articles with the greatest chance of being used. We look forward to your submission and sharing it with readers. Please review these guidelines:
General Guidelines: Select a topic about the TAS industry of which you have personal knowledge or experience. Promotion of yourself, company, products, or services is not acceptable. Your article should be between 200 to 400 words in length; news items should be about 100 words; answering service profiles may be up to 300 words. If you would like someone to write for you, we can recommend a freelance writer.
Editing: Articles will be edited for both content and length; additional text could be added. This is at the sole discretion of TAS Trader. In is not possible to notify you of edits. Unfortunately, not all submissions can be used.
Website: Once published, your article will also be posted on this website.
Compensation: We are not able to compensate writers and do not trade articles for other considerations. We do ask you to include a short bio about yourself, with contact information. This will be added at the conclusion of your article, providing indirect promotion in exchange for your article.
Submission: All articles must be submitted via email. Articles should be attached as a Microsoft Word document.
Deadlines: TAS Trader accepts submissions on a continual basis and will use them as soon as possible, which might not be the next issue. The sooner that an article is submitted, the sooner it can be used. (See our schedule for deadlines.)
Editorial Policy: Authors who submit articles to TAS Trader agree that:
1) Edits may be made at the discretion of the Editor regarding length, style, grammar, organization, syntax, and clarity.
2) Article publication and use are at the sole discretion of the Editor.
3) By submitting your work, you grant TAS Trader full, yet non-exclusive, rights to publish your submission in any printed and/or electronic form both now and in the future.
4) Acceptance of these terms is a precondition of publication by TAS Trader.