Leading Telephone Answering Service Publication Updates Format to Address Changing Reader Practices
TAS Trader, the leading publication of the telephone answering service industry, will unveil a new look with its January 2014 issue. The revised format is geared towards mobile devices, while still being friendly for readers using computers.
“I started TAS Trader as an e-publication with two format goals: make it easy to read on a computer screen and make it easy to print for those who like a hard copy,” said publisher and editor Peter Lyle DeHaan. “In 2009, our 11 by 8½ inch, landscape, PDF layout made a lot of sense.”
But in 2013 the tipping point came, with more people reading email on smartphones and handheld devices than on computer screens. “This means our trusty format is no longer serving the majority of readers,” DeHaan added. “Therefore, starting in January 2014, our once innovative version of TAS Trader will retire.” Taking its place is an email version, designed for mobile users while still being easy to read from a computer screen or to print out.
The complete TAS Trader archives have been converted over to this new format, which readers can access from the TAS Trader website to read, forward, and print. Plus, since they are now text documents, they will be easier to search, which will also aid in better SEO (search engine optimization).
Current subscribers to TAS Trader won’t need to do anything to receive the new version. It will arrive via email just as it always does, and copies will be available online just like always. For all the things that are changing, some things remain the same.
The new TAS Trader will be unveiled with the next issue, due out January 14, 2014. Interested readers may sign up to receive this issue on the TAS Trader website.
For more information, go to tastrader.com.
[Posted by Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD for TAS Trader.]